Justice Defense Fund

Ending impunity for abusers and
Bringing justice to survivors of online sexual crime

Read the true story behind the headlines about the fight to hold Pornhub accountable by JDF’s Founder & CEO and join the movement for justice

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About Justice Defense Fund

The (JDF) is a non-partisan, non-religious 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering survivors of online sex trafficking, child sexual abuse material, and criminal image-based sexual abuse to pursue justice through strategic litigation and advocacy support. We also advocate for the adoption of policies to prevent the online distribution of sexual crime.

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Find Help

If you are a victim of online sexual exploitation and want information about possible legal assistance options please fill out this form:

Did you have nonconsensual or underage sexually explicit images or videos of yourself posted online to a pornography or social media website? *

Are you interested in: (check all that apply) *

In the News

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Justice Defense Fund Founder/CEO, Laila Mickelwait’s work and the impact of her advocacy have been covered in thousands of media pieces globally. Here are just a few: